tea » archives ยป March 21, 2018 | email: |
Michael Sands is requesting leave donations.
Anyone wishing to donate leave time should complete a leave donation form, available here:
Submit the completed form to the respective Human Resources department for processing.
Please review the donor requirements at the webpage above, or on the form itself.
The Bylaws Committee concluded the first draft of revisions to the bylaws at the beginning of March. TEA's legal consultants are reviewing the draft and expect to send those back to the committee by April 10. After the committee has a chance to edit the bylaws based on legal review, the revised bylaws will be available to members for review. The committee will then schedule a presentation and discussion session at either a Special Meeting or a Regular Meeting.
The DRC has identified a desired schedule for completion of its work and data necessary to develop a recommendation on future dues amounts, and it is currently gathering data.
The next Regular Meeting will be March 21, 2018. Please note that the next Regular Meetings will be held in a different conference room on the 4th floor: Conference Room 4-E in the King Street Center, noon to 1PM.
In addition to the regular agenda items -- bargaining unit, Treasurer, and committee updates -- we will be discussing the County's changes to the Healthy Incentives program.
Alton Gaskill, President
Michael Sands, Vice President
Gillian Zacharias, Secretary
Sally Turner, Treasurer
Roger Browne, Wastewater Bargaining Chair
Jerry Williams, Transit Bargaining Chair
Ken Madden, Council of Representatives Chair