tea » archives ยป May 7, 2015 | email: |
1. Monthly TEA Meeting
The next monthly meeting is Wednesday, May 20th at noon in the 5th floor Harappa conference room.
2. Wastewater Bargaining Committee
The bargaining team met with the County for 1/2 day on April 28th and will meet again on May 14th for a full day of bargaining. If you have any questions please contact Wastewater Bargaining Chair, Alton Gaskill.
3. Transit Bargaining Committee
Mediation continues with Matt Greer. Please contact Transit Bargaining Chair, Elizabeth Wright, if you have any questions.
4. Council of Representatives
Next meeting will be May 19th, 12-1, Room 4G. Please contact Don Marable with any questions.
5. VEBA Vote
Ballots will be handed out soon. Please return ballots to your TEA Representative or Hillary Schafer no later than June 16th. Ballots will be counted at the June 17th monthly meeting. Please refer to your ballot for additional information.
6. Leave Donations Request
Mark Hurston is in need of leave donations. Please contact your HR office for the appropriate forms and process for donations. Thank you in advance for your help.
TEA Board
John Phillips, President
Jane McPherson, Vice President
Hillary Schafer, Secretary
Jerry Williams, Treasurer
Alton Gaskill, Wastewater Bargaining Chair
Elizabeth Wright, Transit Bargaining Chair
Don Marable, Council of Reps. Chair