T E AT i m e sJune 16 2008Contents
1. June Meeting Schedule - Revised
June 18 - Board Meeting, 12-1, KSC 4G 2. Transit Staff Contract ArbitrationThe next Transit staff contract arbitration meeting is scheduled for July 1 at the offices of the Summit Law Group, 315 5th Avenue. The agenda of this session is non-wage contract issues. Arbitration is a public hearing and TEA members welcome to attend as observers. Seating for observers is limited to chairs around the perimeter of the conference room. Anyone interested in attending on July 1 should do so. Those planning to attend should coordinate the time away from their work group. 3. King County Labor SummitThe King County Council Committee of the Whole schedules an annual meeting and agenda to focus on the issues facing labor unions at King County. This year the Committee's meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 23rd from 9-11am at the King County Labor Council's office located at 2800 1st Avenue. TEA President Roger Browne is scheduled to attend the meeting. 4. AnnouncementsRequest for SL donation: