tea » tea times: March 11 2004 email: teaseattle  


T i m e s

March 11 2004

March Meeting Schedule

March 15 WTD Contract Negotiation Team (12-1pm)
March 16 TEA Business Meeting (King St. Center, 5F), 12-1pm
March 17 TEA Regular Meeting (Elliott Bay Café), 12-1pm
March 22 WTD Contract Negotiation Team (12-1pm)
March 23 TEA Business Meeting (King St. Center,5F), 12-1pm
March 29 WTD Contract Negotiation Team (12-1pm)
March 30 TEA Business Meeting (King St. Center,5F), 12-1pm

Agenda for March 17 Regular TEA Meeting

  1. Call to Order
  2. Treasurer's Report
  3. Nominations for Grievance Committee
    (Grievance Committee consists of four members appointed by the Board from candidates that have been nominated, appointed for a two-year term).
  4. Update on Contract Negotiations
  5. Political Contacts/Member Actions
  6. Issues for the Good of the Order

Contract Negotiations Status


The last contract mediation session was held on February 18th from 10-6 p.m. Both sides made movement toward a negotiated settlement. We are now waiting to hear from the County whether or not there will be more mediation sessions. In addition, TEA is moving ahead with two processes: (1) letter to Ron Sims in accordance with Ordinance 11480; and (2) Contacting King County Councilmembers.


The first 4 days of interest arbitration were held last week, March 2-5. The subject of the first week was compensation. TEA's attorney, Jim Cline, opened with three days of presentation. 12 notebooks of exhibits and a power point presentation. The County, represented by Otto Klein of the Summit Law Group, began his presentation on the final day and will continue when the arbitration continues the week of April 19-23. The arbitrator encouraged TEA and King County to meet between now and April 19th to try to resolve non-compensation issues. A meeting is being scheduled with the County. If you want further details, talk with one of Transit's Negotiating Team members (Dave Crippen, Elizabeth Morgan, Nancy Gordon or Paul Miller).

Group Health Claims Reimbursement (Transit TEA Members)

To file claims for reimbursement with King County Benefits & Operation (Ph: 206-684-2556; Mail Stop EXC-ES-0300), TEA employees are to submit a summary report of claims along with out-of-pocket receipts for services. To obtain a copy of your monthly summary report, contact Group Health (1-888-901-4636).

At the present time Group Health will not automatically mail you a monthly report. You must call them each month to request a copy of the report. You can call and request several past months at a time.

Basic Mediation Training

The Interlocal Conflict Resolution Group (ILCRG) in conjunction with the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service is sponsoring a 48-hour (6-day) Basic Mediation Training. The dates of the class are May 11 - 13 and May 18 - 20, 2004. Classes will begin each day at 8:30 a.m. and will end around 5 p.m. The Interlocal Conflict Resolution Group is a joint project of King County and the King County Labor Council. Students who attend the class are eligible to enter the ILCRG mediation practicum and work toward becoming a certified mediator. The cost for the class is $400. King County has sponsored some TEA members to take this training. If interested, talk to your supervisor. For further information see: www.metrokc.gov/adr