T E AT i m e sJune 17, 2003June TEA Regular Meeting CancelledThe Regular meeting scheduled for Wed., June 18 has been cancelled. Please mark your calendars for the next regularly scheduled meeting on July 16. June and July MeetingsFollowing is a list of meetings scheduled to date for the remainder of June and July:
Report on Labor NegotiationsThe Wastewater Negotiating Team has been meeting with Management reps in an Interest Based Bargaining (IBB) process to continue negotiations as best we can until the County assigns a new HR negotiator. As of today, virtually every provision that is not directly related to compensation has tentative language assigned, which both parties believe will work. Once mediations resume, we expect to take the result of these IBB meetings, lay them before TEA Counsel and HR Negotiator for "fatal flaw" determination, and then use them as much as possible to form the final contract language. Meanwhile, the County is evaluating our classification/compensation proposal and is planning to be done at the end of June. Metro Transit's 30th AnniversaryDozens of people have remembered Metro Transit's 30th anniversary by dropping the transit agency a card or email as part of the Metro Memories campaign. Their remembrances are funny, poignant, and often a slice-of-life vignette about living in King County. Here is one quote - check out the rest online at www.metrokc.gov/kcdot/metro30/scrapbook.htm "My favorite Metro Memory is an incident that took place on a bus in the downtown area about a dozen years ago. I was sitting across from the rear exit when I noticed a strange rider in the stairwell - a garter snake. I informed the driver, who then stopped near a spot with some grass and bushes. I encouraged our friend to exit, which he did. Later, when I exited the front of the bus, I remarked to the driver: 'How do you suppose that snake ever got on your bus?' To which he quickly responded with a perfectly straight face: 'I guess he must have had a transfer.' Of course, there were howls of laughter from the riders who had witnessed the whole incident. I'm sure the snake was happier, too!" - Ralph, Seattle Announcements
TEA Board:Ken Madden, President |