T E AT i m e sJune 19, 2001
The previous TEA Times reported that Roger Scrafford is vacating the office of 2nd Vice President. Mr. Scrafford will be replaced at the next general meeting, which will be held Wednesday, June 20, from noon to 1pm in the North Auditorium of the Jackson Federal Building. We encourage you to attend and participate
Duties of the 2nd Vice President
The Bylaws describe the duties of the 2nd Vice President as follows:
Two candidates have been nominated
Both Doug Robertson and Dave Crippen have announced their willingness to serve the remaining term of 2nd Vice-President.
Note that the nomination process is still open. Nominations will be accepted by the Secretary, Severne Johnson, until the regular meeting at noon on June 20th; a vote will then be taken by the members present at the meeting, and the results will be announced. All TEA members are urged to attend the meeting and to cast their votes. |