tea » tea times: June 15, 2001 email: teaseattle  


T i m e s

June 15, 2001

Next Monthly Meeting - June 20

The next regular meeting of TEA is scheduled for Wednesday, June 20, from noon to 1pm in the North Auditorium of the Jackson Federal Building. We encourage you to attend and participate.

Roger Scrafford has resigned his position as Second Vice-President of TEA. The Bylaws call for vacated Board positions to be filled in accordance with the majority vote cast by those TEA members who are present at the next meeting. Again, the next regular meeting will occur at noon on June 20th.

If you have agenda items for a TEA meeting, please contact Wyatt Wood to discuss them.

Contract Bargaining

The bargaining process for TEA's first contract is officially under way.   TEA sent a letter to King County on March 17 of this year to request that the County appoint a bargaining agent and begin the contract bargaining process.   Several teams of employees are working together to generate draft provisions; if you are interested in any one of the following topics, contact the appropriate team lead:

    Class/Compensation - Roger Browne
    Benefits           - Kim Kingsbury
    Job Progression    - Adé Franklin
    Grievances         - Wyatt Wood

Cline May Run for Seattle City Attorney

TEA's lead attorney Jim Cline has formed an exploratory committee to consider running for Seattle City Attorney. TEA has received a letter from Jim which appoints attorney Karyl Elinski to provide legal support during the bargaining process.

Like you, the board had many concerns and many questions about what effect this might have on TEA's bargaining negotiations;   Jim's letter, and subsequent conversations with him, have left us fully confident that the coming negotiations will proceed successfully.

Voluntary Dues Authorization Cards

TEA will need financial resources to draw upon during the bargaining process.   King County allows the use of payroll deduction for union dues, and authorization cards for this purpose were distributed at the TEA meeting in May.

Thanks to all those who have signed a card and put us on our way.   Contact your TEA work group representative, or any Board member, for a dues authorization card.